Books of the Bible

The Bible is not an ordinary book. It was written by men who were inspired by God – therefore, the Bible is the word of God. The Bible was written over a period of approximately 1,500 years by various writers, including a chapter by Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon.

David Pearce has written a summary of each book of the Bible and has kindly given us permission to include these summaries here. We thank David for this.

Click the name of the Bible book to access a pdf summary. Don't just read the summaries though – make it a daily habit to read from this amazing God given book. This Bible reading chart, takes you through the Old Testament once in a year and through the New Testament twice in a year. It's an excellent habit to get into, to regularly read the Word of God, so God's thinking gradually penetrates one's mind and the more we soak up His Word, the more like Him we become.

Meir Cat

Photograph © 2021, Stephen Downs,
used with permission.